Section "Law": Theory and history of Economic Law and Process


The main trend of modern economic turnover and development is the global digitalization of all spheres and industries of the economy. For this reason new types of economic relations arise within their boundaries. The article examines the current situation and prospects for the development of legal regulation of Internet relations in the context of economic development. A number of problematic issues of the legal nature of individual objects of the economic rights that exist in a virtual (digital) format are analyzed. The issues of legal regulation of relations in the structure of which there is the so-called virtual element in a particular digital / virtual object are specifically analyzed. Special attention is paid to virtual assets, computer programs and software, artificial intelligence and the concept of the “Internet of Things”, etc. Emphasis is placed on the need for legislative consolidation of the concepts of virtual property and virtual objects, as well as objects with hybrid cyber-physical nature and their subsequent inclusion in the list of property in the economy of the business sector. Basic approaches to legal regulation of robotics based on artificial intelligence have been established. It is determined that the possibility of achieving a synergistic effect in the legal regulation of relations with virtual objects makes it necessary to make appropriate additions to the provisions of the Economic and Civil codes of Ukraine, as well as modernization of legislation in the field of intellectual property and innovation activities, investment legislation, legislation on property and property rights assessment, e-commerce, foreign economic activity on the Internet, protection of consumer rights of digital goods, etc. When adding and formulating these provisions into national legislation it should be taken into consideration the basis for international legal regulation of these issues submitted by acts of soft law, which are of a recommendatory nature. (These are the recommendations on artificial intelligence developed by the ETO-T Y.2060 (06/2012) Economic Telecommunication Organization “Overview of the Internet of things”).


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digital economy, Internet, Internet legal relations, virtual object, virtual property, virtual thing, hybrid objects, physical cyber objects, virtual services, artificial intelligence


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