Section "Law": Theory and history of Economic Law and Process
Not every appeal to the court means the automatic opening of proceedings, because the statement of claim must still be checked by a judge for compliance with the requirements of procedural law on form and content, compliance with the rules of jurisdiction, lack of abuse of the right to appeal by the plaintiff etc. All this allows for a balance between the rights of the parties to the dispute. The purpose of the article is a theoretical understanding of the stage of opening proceedings in economic procedure, a systematic analysis of the grounds and consequences of procedural decisions made by the economic court at this stage, and highlighting on this basis the author’s vision and purpose of the stage of opening proceedings. The author emphasizes that based on the results of checking the statement of claim for compliance with the Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine, the judge makes one of four decisions: leaves the statement of claim without motion, returns the statement of claim, opens proceedings or refuses to open proceedings. The opening of proceedings is a ne cessary condition for further consideration of the business case, and therefore is the logical conclusion of this stage. Leaving the statement of claim without action does not lead to the opening of proceedings immediately, but such proceedings may be opened later, after eliminating the shortcomings of the statement of claim. If the plaintiff has not eli minated the shortcomings of the statement of claim within the period established by the court, the statement is considered unfiled and returned to the person who filed the statement of claim. According to the results of the study, the author concludes that the stage of initiating proceedings in commercial litigation is important because, on the one hand, it acts as a kind of procedural filter that allows to “screen out” claims filed in violation of legal requirements for their form and content, as well as lawsuits filed in violation of the rules of jurisdiction and jurisdiction, and on the other hand — allows the court to make priority preparatory actions for future litigation (to determine whether the rules of general or summary proceedings will be considered, to resolve conducting several cases, to set a deadline for the parties to submit relevant documents on the merits of the case, etc.). The opening of proceedings is a necessary condition for further consideration of the business case, and therefore is the logical conclusion of this stage. The judge is unable to detect the existence of most grounds for refusal to initiate proceedings (except when the application is not subject to consideration under the rules of commercial procedure) without taking additional actions that are not provided by the Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine.
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opening of proceedings, refusal to open proceedings, jurisdiction, economic procedure
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