Series "Law": Problems of development of the legislation of Ukraine

  • A.B. Mеdvid Lviv University of Trade and Economics, Lviv


This article examines the content and significance of the changes and additions made by Protocol No. 14 to the Convention  for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms 1950. Detailed analysis of the causes, the main provisions and results at reforms of the functioning of the monitoring mechanism of the Convention, in particular the introduction of measures to increase the efficiency of the European court of human rights.

1. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1996), Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny [Constitution of Ukraine], Vidomosti Verk hovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny, vol. 30, p.141.
2. The Council of Europe (1950), Konventsiya pro zakhyst prav lyudyny ta osnovopolozhnykh svobod [Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms], available at : show/995_004 (Accessed 05 October 2016).
3. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1997), Pro ratyfikatsiyu Konventsiyi pro zakhyst prav i osnovnykh svobod lyudyny 1950 roku. Pershoho protokolu ta protokoliv 2, 4, 7 ta 11 do Konventsiyi: Zakon Ukrayiny [About ratification of Convention for the protection of rights and basic freedoms of man of 1950. First protocol and protocols № 2, 4, 7 and 11 to Convention: Law of Ukraine], Holos Ukrayiny, vol. 24.07.1997.
4. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2006), Pro vykonannya rishen’ ta zastosuvannya praktyky Yevropeys’koho sudu z prav lyudyny: Zakon Ukrayiny [About implementation of decisions and application of practice of the European court of human rights: Law Of Ukraine],Uryadovyy kur’’yer, vol. 60.
5. The Council of Europe (1994), Protokol № 11, yakyy peredbachaye perebudovu kontrol’noho mekhanizmu, stvorenoho Konventsiyeyu pro zakhyst prav i osnovnykh svobod lyudyny. Rada Yevropy [Protocol No. 11 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, restructuring the control machinery established thereby], Ofitsiynyy visnyk Ukrayiny, vol. 13, p. 291.
6. The Council of Europe (2005), Long-term Future of the Convention System. Memorandum by the ECtHR, Third Summit of the Council of Europe, p. 5, available at: http:// (Accessed 05 October 2016).
7. European Ministerial Conference on Human Rights (2000), The European Convention on Human Rights at 50: what future for the protection of human rights in Europe?, available at: (Accessed 05 October 2016).
8. Kostas Paraskeva (2004), Reformy`rovany`e Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka: nereshennaya problema [The reform of the European court of human rights: the unresolved problem], available at: (Accessed 05 October 2016).
9. The Council of Europe (2004), Explanatory Report to Protocol No. 14 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending the control system of the Convention, available at: DCTMContent?documentId=09000016800d380f
10. The Council Of Europe (2006), Protokol # 14 do Konventsiyi pro zakhyst prav lyudyny i osnovopolozhnykh svobod, yakyy zminyuye kontrol’nu systemu Konventsiyi [Protocol No. 14 to the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, amending the control system of the Convention], Official Bulletin of Ukraine, vol. № 32, p. 3215.
11. The Council Of Europe (2004), Pro rol’ Yevropey s’koyi konventsiyi z prav lyudyny v universytet·s’kiy osviti ta profesiyniy pidhotovtsi: Rekomendatsiya Komitetu ministriv Rady Yevropy derzhavam-chlenam [Recommendation Rec(2004) 4 of the Committee of Ministers on the European Convention on Human Rights in university education and pro fessional training], available at : (Accessed 05 October 2016).
12. The Council Of Europe (2004), Shhodo perevirky’ zakonoproektiv, isnuyuchy’h zakoniv ta administraty`vnoyi pra kty’ky’ na vidpovidnist’ standartam, vy`kladeny`m v Yevro pej s’kij konvenciyi z prav lyudy’ny’ [Recommendation Rec(2004)5 of the Committee of Ministers on the verification of the compatibility of draft laws, existing laws and administrative practice with the standards laid down by the European Convention on Human Rights], available at : 574?test=e6YMfZ0CyFNAEqp.Ziriz27FHI4lss80msh8Ie6 (Accessed 05 October 2016).
13. The Council Of Europe (2004), Shhodo vdoskonalennya nacional’ny’h zasobiv pravovogo zahy’stu [Recommendation Rec (2004) 6 of the Committee of Ministers on the improvement of domestic remedies], available at : (Accessed 05 October 2016).
14. CDDH-GDR 024 (2003), Position Paper of the ECtHR on Proposals for Reform of the ECHR and Other Measures as Set Out in the Report of the CDDH of 4 April 2003, para. 4, available at: (Accessed 05 October 2016).
15. Hammarberg T. (2008), Prava cheloveka v Evrope: uvelichivajushhiesja probely. Tochka zrenija Komissara po pravam cheloveka Soveta Evropy [Human rights in Europe: growing gaps. The point of view of the high Commissioner for human rights of the Council of Europe], available at : (Accessed 12 October 2016).
16. P. Sardaro (2005), Individuals Complaints in: P. Lemmens & W. Vandenhole (eds), Protocol No.14 and the Reform of the ECtHR, Intersentia, p. 67, available at : (Accessed 12 October 2016).
17. Zwaak L.F. and Cachia Th., (2004), The ECtHR: A Success Story?, Human Rights Brief, vol.11, issue 3, p. 35.
18. Amnesty International (2003), Joint Response to Proposals to Ensure the Future Effectiveness of the European Court of Human Rights, available at: (Accessed 07 October 2016).
19. M.A. Beernaert, (2004), Protocol 14 and new Strasbourg procedures: towards greater efficiency? And at what price, European Human Rights Law Review, vol. 5, p. 551 .
20. R. Harmsen (2005), The ECtHR as a Constitutional Court: Definitional Debates and the Dynamics of Reform, Conference in Memory of Stephen Livingstone, Queen’s University, Belfast, 7th & 8th October 2005.
21. L. Wildhaber (2002), A constitutional future for the European Court of Human Rights?, Human Rights Law Journal, vol. 5-7, issue 23, p. 164.
22. The Council of Europe (2016), Chart of signatures and ratifications of Treaty 194. Protocol No. 14 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending the control system of the Convention, available at: (Accessed 12 October 2016).
23. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2006), Pro ratyfikatsiyu Protokoliv № 12 ta № 14 do Konventsiyi pro zakhyst prav lyudyny i osnovopolozhnykh svobod: Zakon Ukrayiny [About ratification of Protocols No. 12 and No. 14 to the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms: Law of Ukraine],Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny, vol. 27, p. 990.


human rights and fundamental freedoms, Protocol No. 14 to the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the European court of human rights, Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms 1950


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14. CDDH-GDR (2003) 024, «Position Paper of the ECtHR on Proposals for Reform of the ECHR and Other Measures as Set Out in the Report of the CDDH of 4 April 2003», para. 4 [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу :

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16. P. Sardaro. «Individuals Complaints» в: P. Lemmens & W. Vandenhole (eds), Protocol No.14 and the Reform of the ECtHR, Intersentia, (2005), p. 6 [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу :

17. L.F. Zwaak & Th. Cachia, (2004), The ECtHR: A Success Story?, Human Rights Brief, vol.11, issue 3, p. 35.

18. Joint Response to Proposals to Ensure the Future Effec tiveness of the European Court of Human Rights. 28 March 2003 [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу :

19. M.A. Beernaert. «Protocol 14 and new Strasbourg pro cedures: towards greater efficiency? And at what price», Vol. 5, European Human Rights Law Review (2004), p. 551.

20. R. Harmsen, «The ECtHR as a Constitutional Court: Definitional Debates and the Dynamics of Reform», Conference in Memory of Stephen Livingstone, Queen’s University. —Belfast, 7th & 8th October 2005.

21. L. Wildhaber, «A constitutional future for the European Court of Human Rights?», Vol. 23, No. 5-7, Human Rights Law Journal (2002), p. 164.

22. Chart of signatures and ratifications of Treaty 194. Protocol No. 14 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending the control system of the Convention. Status as of 17/10/2016 [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу :

23. Про ратифікацію Протоколів № 12 та № 14 до Конвенції про захист прав людини і основоположних свобод : Закон України від 09.02.2006 № 3435-IV // Відомості Верховної Ради України. — 2006. — № 27. — Ст. 229.

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