Section "Economics": Socio-economic Problems of Regional Development


The article deepens theoretical and methodical provisions on the attractive image formation for the territorial communities in terms of systematization of their identification criteria and positioning parameters, strengthened in this context local innovative aspect of the implementation of sustainable development concept. The theoretical and methodical provisions regarding the marketing tools of economic entities at the local level have been analysed, which made it possible to research the territorial community as a complex and innovatively active system characterized by emergence and synergistic metasystem connections between its elements that require ordering. This ordering became possible due to the methodological research platform, which based on the positions of the systemic and integrated approach, D. Forrester counterintuitive method of system dynamics, A. Marshall partial equilibrium approach and the principle of stable disequilibrium. The authors proved that the process of determining and ordering identification criteria and positioning parameters depends on the existing institutional frames for the functioning and development of territorial communities, which have a narrowing effect on the search opportunities and alternatives in choice. The discreteness of the coverage of the unique characteristics, which made it possible to distinguish the community among many others based on the established scientific hypothesis, justified the choice of 15 identification criteria and 13 positioning parameters that form the idea of a territorial unit. The provisions of the article systematized of certain criteria and parameters by constructing appropriate classification schemes based on a descending hierarchical chain of classification taxa “class – type – criterion / parameter – result (value) of criterion / parameter”. This made it possible to distinguish between the classes of identification criteria into key and auxiliary ones, and the classes of positioning parameters into single (quantitative) and complex (qualitative) ones. The article proves importance of the implementation of identification criteria and positioning parameters in the practice of the territorial communities strategizing to improve their innovative activity and determine key development positions in a strategic perspective.


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territorial communities, systematization, identification criteria, positioning parameters, classification schemes, innovations, sustainable development


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