Section "Economics": Economic and Legal Problems of City Development
The article has been devoted to solving the problems of sustainable development of the city in the socio-ecological and economic aspect considering the influence of the factor of industrial symbiosis. The characteristics of industrial symbiosis have been generalized and its role in solving the problems of industrial recycling, industrial ecology and sustainable development of the territory has been determined. The European experience of using the advantages of industrial symbiosis in the creation and development of eco-industrial parks has been analyzed. The institutional-legal and organizational-technological approaches to the use of the European experience of creating eco-industrial parks in Ukraine have been considered. The institutional and legal approach presupposes the legislative consolidation of the ecological component in the formation of industrial parks in Ukraine. The organizational and technological approach allows organizing an industrial symbiosis for the city's enterprises that produce, process and use industrial waste, like an eco-industrial park. As a result, local resources are saved, new jobs are created, and the environmental situation is improved. It is especially true for cities in which there is a critical situation with the processing of industrial waste and a high level of technogenic load is observed. Proposals have been developed for organizing industrial symbiosis between the city's enterprises as an eco-industrial park for the management of metallurgical waste - blast furnace slags. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure cooperation between producers (metallurgical enterprises), processors (enterprises of building materials) and consumers (enterprises of road facilities and urban construction enterprises), stimulation of entrepreneurship in the field of industrial waste processing, and the use of public-private partnership mechanisms. Cooperation depends on the consistency of production planning between metallurgical enterprises and related waste processing enterprises. Therefore, it is advisable to form a coordination center and use computer information resource management systems. Stimulating entrepreneurship in the field of services for the processing of industrial waste involves the establishment of benefits and preferences by local governments within the framework of their powers. When using the mechanisms of public-private partnership of enterprises within the framework of industrial symbiosis, it is necessary to ensure the optimal distribution of risks between the public and private partners, which should be the subject of further research.
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city, sustainable development, industrial symbiosis, eco-industrial park, industrial waste management
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