Section "Law": Legal Regulation of Economic Relations in Specific Areas and Sectors of the Economy
The article is focused on the concept definition and basic elements of the system of management and quality control of goods. Economic and legal means of ensuring the quality of goods are claimed to outline legal procedures and mechanisms of solving the state's tasks concerning: a) creation and maintenance of the required level of safety of domestic goods (products, works, services) concerning consumers and the environment; b) promoting the competitiveness of goods in economic turnover. The modern sphere of technical regulation of quality of goods (products, works, services) is outlined in terms of such types of normative documents as: technical regulation; standard; technical conditions, the key features of each concept are defined and analyzed. It is established that the forms of conformity assessment are: product certification and application of conformity marks; conducting laboratory tests in accredited laboratories; self-declaration of conformity claimed by the market operator, which may be combined with the application of a control (supervision) system. The quality management system (hereinafter – QMS) is defined as a system of tools, methods and activities of the subject of economic relations – the producer, aimed at meeting the requirements and expectations of consumers regarding the quality of goods (products, works, services). QMS (quality management systems) are preventive. QMS can be focused on products, works, services, environment, production process or encompass all application spheres. Within the QMS, in turn, the product quality control system is a set of interrelated objects and subjects of control, the types, methods and tools used to assess product quality and prevent production defects / poor quality at different stages of the product life cycle and quality levels management (effective system of quality control of goods allows, in most cases, to make a timely and targeted impact on the quality level of goods, to prevent various defects in the work, to ensure their prompt identification and elimination with the least resource costs). The main elements of the quality control system include the following subsystems: planning; inspection control; incentives and responsibilities. The types of quality control of goods are covered in the article. In order to improve product safety nowadays most of the manufacturers in the field of economics are revealed to apply quality management systems based on the following standards: ISO, HACCP, GMP. Relevant international and national standards used by many producers in quality management and control systems to improve product safety in modern economic realities are analyzed.
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quality of goods, economic and legal means of ensuring the quality of goods, quality management systems, types of quality control of goods, conformity assessment forms, quality management standards, product standardization, product certification
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