Section "Law": Тheoretical and Practical Issues of Development of the Law System of Ukraine

  • O.M. Vinnyk Academician F.H. Burchak Scientific Research Institute of Ргіvаtе Law and Entrepreneurship of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article raises the issue of protecting the rights of users of electronic communication services in emergencies, including war and the threat of nuclear danger caused by the seizure of Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants by the Russian occupiers. Using a number of methods of scientific knowledge: threats to users of such services are identified, relevant in all conditions (abuses of digital rights, cybercrime, monopolistic abuses in the field of electronic communications, lack of professionalism or integrity of providers of electronic communications services, defects in legal regulation spheres), as well as threats that have become especially relevant during martial law (individual cybervulnerability of the majority of Ukrainians, which the Russian occupiers use as weapons against Ukraine); the Ukrainian legislation from the point of view of protection of the rights of users of electronic communication services is analyzed; problems of legal regulation on the specified questions are revealed and ways of the it decision are offered. Universal legal mechanisms for protection of the rights of electronic communications users have been identified (mandatory authorization and licensing of radiofrequency spectrum for providers of electronic communications services, a number of related responsibilities, including compliance with technical regulation requirements; transparency of relations provided by the digital regulatory platform, system of bodies in charge of electronic communications in order to comply with the legislation on electronic communications; antitrust regulation of this area), as well as gaps in the system of protection of users' rights, namely: lack of legislation on digital rights and digital responsibilities of citizens in the Constitution of Ukraine and mentions of individual cybersecurity and cyber defence in the Law of Ukraine “On Basic Principles of Cyber Security of Ukraine”. It is proposed to close gaps in legal regulation to better protect the rights of users of electronic communications services, including digital rights, among which the right to access the Internet and the right to individual cybersecurity play a particularly important role in emergencies of Russian aggression and the dangers associated with it.


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electronic communications, users of electronic communication services, digital rights, individual cybersecurity, improving legal regulation


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