Section Law: Problems of modernization of economic legislation


The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of legal instruments for the implementation of strategic directions of the city’s environmental security system based on the separation of relevant blocks of international and European levels, including certain activities and facilities that are formed in the context of globalization and social transformation. An analysis of the basic sources of Environmental law and Urban law, which allowed to identify the main legal urbanenvironmental and modern environmental-urban instruments, respectively. A close coherence of urban provisions in modern strategic programs of European Environmental law has been established. At the same time, the saturation of environmental standards of the latest European documents and initiatives in the field of urban relations is even more obvious. counteract these negative consequences, but also about these relations. Along with strategic legal instruments for the development of urban environmental security in the form of strategies, declarations, concepts, charters, treaties, agreements, resolutions, commitments, the European Union uses their operational groups — programs, plans, agendas, initiatives, platforms, sections, titles, awards, meetings, forums, conferences. It is argued that international and European experience will be extremely important for Ukraine in the process of restoring the environmental security of cities that have been affected by the military.


legal instruments, urban-ecological relations, strategic directions, international norms, European legislation, ecological safety of the city


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