Section "Economics": Economic and Legal Problems of Regional Development
The article proposes a methodical approach to building a set of indicators to assess the socio-economic effectiveness of community and regional development in conditions of post-war reconstruction. It is noted that prior to the beginning of a full-scale aggression, normative and legal content in the regulation area of regional and territorial development contained only fragmented instructions on application of the principle of efficiency, which was observed before reaching high levels of planned development indicators. It is stated that the updated policy of state regional development in 2022 has standardized the approach to the determination of effectiveness as the main determinants and primary indicator of development success in peaceful conditions and during the post-war reconstruction.It is justified that during the transition period the official methodical basis for determining the essence and approaches to assessing the effectiveness of social and economic development of communities and regions is still being formed, as well as losing relevance of complex evaluation of development effectiveness due to lack of statistical information and violation of consistency and consistency of its indicators in the conditions of war, it is necessary to form an easy and reliable tool for such evaluation. The basic principles of its construction in the form of a set of indicators determine maximum conformity of the current normative-legal and methodical base, correct understanding of the essence of socio-economic efficiency, as an indicator of satisfaction of material, social, spiritual needs of people, as well as use of integral indicators of quality of life and social quality as basic for determination of socio-economic efficiency. The author developed a corresponding methodical approach and a related set of indicators for assessing socio-economic effectiveness of community and regional development, which includes separate evaluation components for communities and regions. It is well-grounded that its application will improve the quality of community and regional development planning and will be useful in monitoring the implementation of their development strategies and plans, overcoming the problems of information and analytical support during the period of military condition. The proposed methodical approach can also serve as a basis for the development of the official methodical base, which is envisaged by the policy of regions` renewal, regarding the evaluation of their development effectiveness.
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community, region, assessment of development effectiveness, post-war reconstruction, quality of life
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