Series "Economy": Socio-economic problems of regional development

  • O.V. Perepelyukova Institute of Economic and Legal Researches of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • O.V. Denysyuk Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv


The article reviews the current state of the geopolitical situation. The basic strategic vectors of development of integration processes at the regional level. Thesis there is determined the main strategic partner at the international level among EU countries. The main priority directions of Ukraine with the development of the world. It was determined that in order to Ukraine could fully realize their geo-economic potential in the Eurasian space and acquire status — sub-regional leader, you need to increase the effectiveness of state factors and ensure their comprehensive development, which will help achieve a positive outcome and integrated synergistic effect.

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7. The official site of NGO Uspishna Ukraina (2015), National development strategy. Ekonomіka, available at:, (Accessed 11 Jun. 2016).


region, geopolitics, strategy, economic development, potential


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