Section "Economics": Economic and Legal Problems of Regional Development
In accordance with the formed-methodical approach to the assessment of socio-economic productivity and effectiveness of the viability of territorial burdens in the military, the time of its composition is allocated. The essence of the concepts of “efficiency” and “effectiveness” for the socio-economic assessment of the vitality of territorial communities has been clarified. It was noted that such an assessment is necessary and appropriate in order to realize the investment potential of communities in the post-war period. It was developed the methodical approach to determining the effectiveness and efficiency of life activities of communities in the conditions of war is based on the use of available data on the functioning of territories – information on the implementation of local budgets. It provides for the use of the following indicators: revenue to the general fund of the budget (total and calculated per resident), the amount of local taxes and fees (total and calculated per resident), expenditures of the general fund of the budget (total and calculated per resident), capital expenditures (in total and per inhabitant), expenditures to ensure the vital activities of the territory (in terms of total articles and per inhabitant), the amount of official transfers. To evaluate the performance, an analysis of the dynamics of changes in the specified indicators and the achievement of planned indicators was carried out. Also to evaluate the efficiency, It is proposed to consider the formation of positive budget effects by individual components, as well as the growth of the community rating by the main financial indicators in the regional or all-Ukrainian dimension. It has been proven that due to the greatest impact of the budget component on the development of territorial communities, such a temporary toolkit can produce results close to the relevant ones. An evaluation of the socio-economic effectiveness and efficiency of life activities of the Kramatorsk urban territorial community and the Oleksandrivsk settlement territorial community and the Donetsk region in the conditions of war was carried out. It was determined that the life activity of the Kramatorsk community is conditionally effective, based on the signs of budget efficiency. The obtained result indicates the high capacity of the community to develop/restore and implement investment potential in the post-war period. The evaluation of the life activity of Oleksandrivsk community showed insignificant results, especially in terms of restoration works, as well as works to increase the safety of residents and a positive budgetary effect, which was achieved thanks to the significant support of the state. Using indicators of budgetary efficiency, it is proven that in wartime local self-government bodies are able to provide conditionally effective and efficient life activities of territorial communities and the quality of life of the population.
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socio-economic assessment, effectiveness, efficiency, territorial community, methodical approach, budget, investment potential
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