The article emphasizes that despite the difficult conditions of today, martial law, and numerous enemy attacks, the electricity sector of Ukraine has been able to cope with all the challenges, maintain its positions, and transform its technological and business processes as necessary. It is noted that it is important to identify the tools for situational analysis of the status and problems of development of the electricity industry of Ukraine in the context of war. The article analyzes the functions of the participants of the Ukrainian energy market and the situation regarding trends, volumes of electricity imports and exports during the war. To visualize the trends in the development of energy in Ukraine, scientists use such a methodological tool as the dynamics of energy consumption, which can be visualized using graphs (infographics). To conduct a situational analysis of the state and problems of the development of the energy sector of Ukraine in the conditions of war, the basic indicators (indicators) are identified - energy production; energy imports; energy consumption; energy efficiency; renewable energy sources. The analysis of the energy sector of Ukraine by these indicators shows that the country has significant energy resource potential. It is noted that open data (services) of the energy sector are used for situational analysis even in times of war. Due to the missile terror of Ukraine's energy infrastructure, interest in data in English has begun to grow. Modern tools for situational analysis of the electricity sector of Ukraine in wartime also include models. The article presents a basic toolkit for situational analysis of Ukraine's energy sector in the context of war, which includes two components: open data (infographics (models, projects, tables, graphs) and maps) and a methodological component (indicators and indicators). This basic toolkit allows analyzing the situation in the electricity sector, identifying problems and risks that may arise in a war and developing measures to ensure the resilience of electricity supply. Some measures to ensure the sustainability of electricity supply in wartime are identified.
situational analysis, electric power industry, tools, war, measures
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