Series "Economy": Economic and legal problems of interregional cooperation
In the article the performance evaluation of information infrastructure interregional cooperation and assessed by region. Grouped performance of the information system of the region, which include hardware performance segment performance technological segment target segment indicators and performance indicators. The analysis of statistical indicators for your group and set most information developed territory. It is proved that the existing organization of administrative services in the country now characterized by many shortcomings and problems, objective and subjective, creating significant difficulties for the recipients of administrative services, namely territorial authorities located in different areas; the majority of the executive bodies are limited days and hours; availability of databases executive council and other agencies, unrelated, and the need to collect the supporting recipient of the service information from different organizations to get the final result; lack of a unified system of cooperation between the executive authorities for the provision of administrative services; improper performance by officials of legal requirements (requirements for submission of documents required by law, violation of terms of providing certain types of administrative services, etc.). Grouped regions of Ukraine, depending on the level of information infrastructure based on which is built the map. Thus, selected regions with high, above-average, average, below average and underdeveloped in frastructure.
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interregional cooperation, indexes, region, information infrastructure, information system development
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