Series "Economy": Economic and legal issues of sustainable development

  • O.P. Korniychuk Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


The modern theoretical and methodological approaches to the procedure of calculation of the loss of social and economic potential of Ukraine due to occupation of the Donbass and annexation of the Crimea were used in the paper. They cover three categories — human resources, social-economic infrastructure and environment.

1. Voloshyn S.M., Zharova L.V., Khlobystov Ye.V. and Chebanov O.A. (2010), Sotsial’no-ekonomichnyy analiz nadzvychaynykh sytuatsiy pryrodnoho ta tekhnohennoho kharakteru [Socio-economic analysis of natural and man-made emergency situations], RVPS Ukrayiny NAN Ukrayiny, NDI SRP, SONAT, Simferopol’, Ukraine.
2. Cardona O. (2004), The need for rethinking the concept of vulnerability and risk from a holistic perspective, Earthscan, London, United Kingdom.
3. Brikmann J. (2005), Danger need not spell disaster — but how vulnerable are we?, UN univ, Tokyo, Japan.
4. Brauch H.G. (2005), Threats, challenges, vulnerabilities, risks in environmental and human security, N.1, Publication series of UNU-EHS, Bonn, Germany.
5. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (2005), Hyogo framework for action 3 2005-2015: building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters available at: (Accessed 3 April 2016).
6. Cardona O. (1993), Evalucion de la Amenaza, la Vulnarabilitat y el Riesgo, Tercer Mundo Editored, Bogota, Columbia.
7. van Ginkel H. (2005), Introduction speech regarding the expert workshop Measuring the Vulnarability, UNUHENS, Kobe, Japan.
8. Mohamed A. Mario, B. (ed.) (2004), Living with risk — the global review of disaster reduction initiatives, UN ISDR, Geneva, Switzerland.
9. Andrew M. (ed.) (2004), Reducing disaster risk: a challenge for development, UNDP press, New-York, United States of America.
10. Maskrey A. (1993), Vulnarability Accumulation in Peripheral Region of Latin America: the challenge for disaster prevention and management, IDNDR, London, United Kingdom.
11. Bogardi J. and Brikmann J. (2004), Vulnerability assessment: the first step towards sustainable riskreduction, Logos Verlag Berlin, Berlin, Germany.


the procedure for calculating the losses, the socioeconomic potential, Ukraine, Donbass occupied, annexed Crimea


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1. Соціально-економічний аналіз надзвичайних ситуацій природного та техногенного характеру / Волошин С.М., Жарова Л.В., Хлобистов Є.В., Чебанов О.А. / За наук. ред. Є.В. Хлобистова / РВПС України НАН України, НДІ СРП. — Сімферополь : СОНАТ, 2010. — 258 с.

2. Cardona O.D. The need for rethinking the concept of vulnerability and risk from a holistic perspective / O.D. Cardona. — London : Earthscan, 2004. — 234 p.

3. Brikmann J. Danger need not spell disaster — but how vulnerable are we? / J. Brikmann. — Tokyo : UN univ, 2005. — 42 p.

4. Brauch H.G. Threats, challenges, vulnerabilities, risks in environmental and human security / H.-G. Brauch // Publication series of UNU-EHS. — N 1. — 2005. — P. 42—58.

5. Hyogo framework for action 32005-2015: building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters // UN [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу : docs/ Hyogoframewark-for-action-english.pdf

6. Cardona O.D. Evalucion de la Amenaza, la Vulnarabilitat y el Riesgo / O.D. Cardona. — Bogota : Tercer Mundo Editored. 1993 — 75 p.

7. van Ginkel H. Introduction speech regarding the expert workshop «Measuring the Vulnarability», 23—23 Jan. 2005 / H. van Ginkel — Kobe : UNU-HENS, 2005. — P. 12—18.

8. Living with risk — the global review of disaster reduction initiatives / UN ISDR. — Geneva : UN publications, 2004. — 350 p.

9. Reducing disaster risk: a challenge for development / UNDP. — NY : UNDP press, 2004. — 268 p.

10. Maskrey A. Vulnarability Accumulation in Peripheral Region of Latin America: the challenge for disaster prevention and management / A. Maskrey. — London : IDNDR, 1993. — 203 p.

11. Bogardi J. Vulnerability assessment: the first step towards sustainable riskreduction / J. Bogardi, J.Brikmann. — Berlin : Logos Verlag Berlin, 2004. — 176 p.

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