Series "Economy": Socio-economic problems of regional development

  • I.R. Buzko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk
  • E.B. Boychenko Institute of Economic and Legal Researches of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1121-7160


In article it is proved that the diagnostic object of the reproduction of the productive forces in the context of the development of the regional society is the process of reproduction of social life of the region’s population; the subjects of research are components of the social life of the people of the region, namely the reproduction of the population and labor resources, public health, educational and cultural development of the population. The diagnosis of the productive forces in the context of the development of the regional society allows, on the one hand, to identify General trends in the development of society, taking into account their specific conditions of life inherent in a particular region, on the other hand, based on the identified patterns of development to develop the main principles, objectives and directions of regional development policy of the society. The choice of forms of diagnostics is carried out for each component of the reproduction of social life of the people of the region with consideration of the peculiarities of the conditions of formation and existence.


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reproduction of the productive forces, regional society, diagnosis, diagnostic object, purpose and tasks of diagnosis


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