Series "Law": Legal regulation of economic relations in specific areas and sectors of the economic


The article is devoted to the analysis of the provision of information security in outsourcing economic relations. In modern conditions, the most expedient among economic and legal means of self-regulation to provide information security in outsourcing relations is the economic-legal contract of outsourcing. Regulatory influence of this means of self-regulation on reducing information risks of the enterprise-customer is so significant that it can be used independently without other economic and legal means. The effectiveness of the regulatory influence of an outsourcing contract increases if it is used in conjunction with local corporate acts. The contract of outsourcing creates the basis for their application. In order to ensure information security in outsourcing, the enterprise-customer may take provisions which specify the types of confidential information, the procedure for their production, preservation, processing, granting access, etc., and the outsourcing agreement, to extend their effect to the counterparty. For the effectiveness of implementing outsourcing and securing the information security of outsourcing relations, it is expedient to use such economic and legal means as forecasting on the basis of the program-target method. This allows the managers of the enterprise-company to clearly understand the risks of implementing outsourcing, the ways of reducing them, and the legal means needed for this, to determine the temporal indicators. The development of forecasts for the implementation of outsourcing and their implementation in practice is only possible subject to the provisions of such a local corporate act as the charter of the corporation, because it just reveals the authority of the corporate governance bodies. The use of state-owned means to provide information security outsourcing relations in modern conditions is not entirely feasible, since Ukraine has virtually no regulatory framework for outsourcing regulation. Promising to provide information security outsourcing relations is the adoption of a regulatory act to determine the concept of outsourcing contract, its essential conditions, the order of its conclusion and approval of an exemplary outsourcing contract. The introduction of a separate licensing of outsourcing activities is inappropriate, given that it is applied to the most socially significant types of economic activity, which may also include outsourcing. Therefore, it is possible to increase licensing requirements for compliance with information security in existing licensed types of economic activities. It is advisable to state risk insurance for non-compliance with information security in the implementation of outsourcing in the most socially significant economic projects or within the frame work of public-private partnership. A promising direction can be to find out the specific content of the contract outsourcing and local acts, their relationship and interaction.


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