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The article shows that, unlike other industries, in the theory of environmental law, the concept of a subject that undergoes damage from illegal human actions is endowed with nature and its individual objects. It is substantiated that this postulate does not correspond to practice, where damage from irrational nature management is recovered from individuals and legal entities. The author proves that so-called environmental damage is caused to a person, to society. For a more precise definition of the goals and objectives of environmental law in this capacity, it is proposed to introduce the concept of anthropoecological law.
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еnvironmental law, anthropoecological law, unsustainable law, the object of law, the subject of law, natural objects, robots, artificial intelligence
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— Available at: www.ibtimes.com.au/new-artificialintelligence-technology-will-threaten-survival-humankindlouis-del-monte-1346175
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