Problems of modernization of economic legislation
The article is devoted to problems of improving the content of public-private partnership (PPP) in Ukraine. The focus is on the implementation of public-private partnership projects. The issues of definition of the nature of public-private partnership are considered, problems of legal support of state-private-sector cooperation relations in Ukraine are defined and some suggestions on their elimination are proposed. It is noted that significant changes in the organization of production at the international, national and regional levels contribute to the active development of public-private partnership, which is an effective and promising instrument of economic and social development. The most widespread form of the implementation of such cooperation is a contract that has a special nature, and goes beyond the scope of the contract as a regulator of property relations. A special participant in such a contract is recognized as a power-holder — a public partner who has organizational and economic powers. Depending on the scope of application, such a contract will have different volumes and mechanisms of implementation. Taking into account the diversity of spheres of application of PPPs, such cooperation projects are conditionally divided into two groups: commercial and non-commercial cooperation, depending on the priority of such partnership — social or property interest. One of the features of the PPP is that it represents a form of individualization of a special economic regime for the solution of a particular investment project, which plays a unique public role. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what is its meaning — important or critical in each particular case.
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public-private partnership, qualifications of public-private partnership, public-private partnership contracts, innovative activity
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