Series "Law": Legal Regulation of Economic Relations in Specific Areas and Sectors of the Economy
Today, the world is on the threshold of a digital revolution that will affect all spheres of public life. The application of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has gone a long way since its introduction. Now it has reached a new milestone as it gets implemented in the energy sector. Blockchain and cryptographic technology have the potential to radically change the energy industry of the usual. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are changing the energy sector and in the article is considered how it will affect the energy industry. Blockchain systems and cryptocurrencies no longer require either intermediaries or a central authority. But it is still difficult today to put such models into practice. In addition, there are a number of legal and regulatory requirements that blockchain projects must also comply with. Cryptocurrency is one of the most relevant topics when it comes to digitalization. On the basis of the analysis of the foreign practice of the use of cryptocurrency in the electric power industry, the prospects of implementation of such projects for Ukraine and their legal support are analyzed. Emphasized the advantages of blockchain and cryptocurrencies and demonstrates the mechanism of their work. The situation regarding the definition of the legal status of cryptographic goods in foreign countries and Ukraine is analysed. The main points to be solved in the course of approval of the right regulation of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine are determined. Foreign and certain domestic experience of using the blockchain technology and cryptology in the field of electric power industry indicates the prospect of further development of this direction. In the implementation of such instruments,
it seems that it will allow accelerating the payments in electricity supply relations, will allow them to be more transparent, and at the same time protected from unauthorized interference, enhance the culture of contractual relations.
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blockchain, cryptocurrencies, legal regime of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, electricity, cryptocurrency transactions
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