Series "Law": Legal Regulation of Economic Relations in Specific Areas and Sectors of the Economy
The article deals with the study of the genesis of Ukrainian legislation on public or public procurement, which made it possible to distinguish legislative acts that have gradually changed the process of public procurement. The main differences between the Law on Public Procurement (currently in force) from the laws regulating procurement during the years of Ukraine’s independence are indicated, namely: increased value of the procurement subject for the mandatory application of the public procurement procedure; the number of procurement procedures from fifth to three has been reduced, namely: open tenders, which are the main procedure, competitive dialogue, negotiation procedure; a mechanism for electronic procurement and an electron system for appealing appeared; the terms of the procurement procedure were shortened; the possibility of using the electronic procurement system for tentative procurement became possible; a change in the system of public control and the prohibition of interference of citizens and public organizations in the procurement procedure; the number of types of offer security and performance of the procurement contract is reduced; the requirements to the form of the contract of purchase have been changed, if earlier the purchase law was fixed the form of the contract of purchase, then at this time the form of the contract of purchase is determined by the general legislation of Ukraine (Economic Code of Ukraine and the Civil Code of Ukraine) taking into account the specifics of the Procurement law. The authors singled out the four stages of the Ukraine’s legislation on state or public procurement from 1992 to the present. The legislation in force at the present time, characterized by a system of electronic procurement, due to the need to bring the Ukraine’s legislation with the EU legislation.
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public procurement, state procurement, comparative characteristics, stages of development of legislation, changes to the legislation
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