Series "Economy": Economic and legal problems of regional development
The article identifies the main reasons for the slowdown of public-private partnership. The basic provisions of the current legislation on the implementation of public-private partnership, namely: the principles, scope, forms and so on were investigated. The project "Energy bridge" Ukraine-European Union", which aims to create the conditions for the integration of the united energy system of Ukraine to the European energy system and for the implementation of which should be involved the following regions: Khmelnitskiy, Zaporizhzhya, Rivne. The implementation of this project will affect the regional energy policy of these areas. The unified electric power system of Ukraine provides the centralized power supply to domestic consumers, interacts with the power systems of neighboring countries, providing export and import of electricity by main and interstate power supply lines. It was established that the implementation of the regional energy policy is associated with the solution of the most pressing problems of the functioning and development of the regional energy supply system, and the main problem that should be solved by the regional energy policy is to achieve a balance of electrical loads and electricity consumption. Based on forecast balance of the united electric power system electricity of Ukraine it was established that Khmelnitsky, Zaporizhzhya, Rivne regions have a strong technical background for the high performance of the maximum electrical load of power sources. However, their regional energy policy in the conditions of the project "Energy bridge "Ukraine — European Union" should include the measures that will be aimed at improving the schemes of the electric network and improving the technical condition of their elements.
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public-private partnership, regional energy policy, united electric power system
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