Series "Economy": Problems of enterprise management
The article examines the current situation with enterprises of the urban economy providing housing and communal services (HCS), generalizes the features and contemporary problems facing their activities, and gives their classification. It was determined that one of the main features of enterprises of the urban economy that provide HCS is their multiple activities. They are managed, depending on the type of services provided, both in the competitive (potentially competitive) markets (including service markets for managing apartment house, household waste, production and supply of heat energy) and in the markets of natural monopolies (in particular, centralized water supply and sanitation, transportation of thermal energy, disposal of household waste). This causes the difficulties in providing the economic and legal support for the state regulation of activities of the economic entities — providers of HCS and the relations arising from their provision, as well as the ramification and bulkiness of the relevant legislative and regulatory framework. Here is analyzed the current legal framework for regulating the activities of enterprises of the urban economy, namely for regulating the issues of ensuring conformance of the quality of housing and communal services to the established standards, procedures, terms of the relevant agreements and the requirements of current legislation, as well pricing and tariff setting. Based on the conducted analysis, the conclusion was made about the need to improve it. The priority directions of the state policy regarding the economic and legal support for regulating activities of enterprises of the urban economy providing housing and communal services have been identified. In particular, they include the assistance in providing the openness of the current activities of enterprises of the urban economy and the transparency of tariff setting for their services; realization of the rights of consumers to receive high-quality housing and communal services under the economically justified level of tariff. The ways of improving the regulatory and legal framework are offered for regulating activities of enterprises of the urban economy that provide housing and communal services. Relevant proposals on amendments and additions to the current legislation were specified, and the expected results were characterized. Further studies should be aimed at determining the organizational and economic tools and developing an effective mechanism for the practical implementation of the changes declared by the legislation in the legal relations between the "state — performers of housing and utilities services — consumers" for each type of services.
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