Series "Economy": Economic and legal problems of interregional cooperation
The article presents the concept of information infrastructure development in economic cooperation between regions of Ukraine and the factors of information infrastructure mode rnization: conceptual and institutional. It was established that in the process of information infrastructure development it is necessity to take into account the special requirements that determine the effectiveness of economic cooperation of regions under the present conditions (functionality, openness, scalability, integrity, performance). It is proved that the main factor is the information and communication technologies. However, it is proved that the main factor of influence — is the ability to use modern information and communication technologies in the regions of Ukraine. The estimation of information development level of Ukraine in comparison with EU countries allowed to estimate the creation of information-analytical system providing of information infrastructure development within which the upgrade of information and analytical support system of enterprises in the region.
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development of information infrastructure, economic cooperation of regions, concept, factors, information and analytical support system
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