Series "Law": Theory and History of Economic Law and Procedure


The scientific article is made on a topical, insufficiently researched in the economic law topic on the peculiarities of subjects and their composition of activities related with objects of high risk in the context of economic and legal aspects of improvement in the conditions of European integration processes. In the publication indicated the keywords related with economical activity of use the high risk objects by the legislation of Ukraine, criteria indicators of ranking of such subjects depending on the degree of risk: high, medium, insignificant, provides a summary of the content of this fragment of scientifical research. In the work the author refers to the general definition of economic subjects in accordance with the essential characteristics provided by the Article 55 of the Economic Code of Ukraine and focuses attention on the scientific approaches of scientists in the sphere of economic law, which make significant proposals for this definition (Prof. V.M. Pashkov, Prof. G.L. Znamensky, Prof. O.M. Vinnyk). The following is an analysis of recent researches and publications on the identification of economic subjects and notes the contribution of scientists in the field of economic law in relation to such subjects (Prof. O.A. Belianevych, Prof. O.M. Vinnyk, Prof. S.N. Grudnytskaya, Prof. G.L. Znamensky, Prof. V.M. Pashkov, Prof. N.A. Saniakhmetova, Prof. V.S. Shcherbyna, etc.). In the research also identifies economic law scientists which have revealed the characteristics of economic subjects in particular spheres of economic activity in the economic branches, including Acad. Bobkova A.G., D.Sc. Koval I.F., D.Sc. Kologoida O.V., Prof. Podserkovniy O.P., D.Sc. Smityukh A.V., D.Sc. Trush I.V., Prof. Ustimenko V.A., Prof. Khrimli O.G., Prof. Zeldina O.R. It is noted that these authors investigated the peculiarities of economic activity in particular spheres of management, but did not focus their attention on the disclosure of the peculiarities of the subjective composition of economic activity related with high risk objects. The purpose of the research and the results of the research are defined below, which allowed the author to substantiate the essential features of the author’s identification of subjects economic activity related with high risk objects. The centerpiece of the research is devoted to the analysis of government regulations that determine the criteria for attributing high, medium and low risk subjects, which allowed the author to formulate conclusions on the improvement of the current legislation in this sphere on establishing the only ones criteria of security for subjects specified activity and their modernization in order to adapt to the requirements of the European Union legislation with the allocation of subjects of higher and lower levels of risks.


  1. Pashkov V.M. Zahalna kharakterystyka subiektiv hospodarskykh pravovidnosyn. V kn.: Hospodarske pravo: pidruchnyk. Za zah. red. D.V. Zadykhaila, V.M. Pashkova. Kharkiv: Pravo. 2012. 696 p. [in Ukrainian].

  2. Znamenskyi H.L. Komentar do HK. 6 HK Ukrainy. V kn.: Naukovo-praktychnyi komentar Hospodarskoho kodeksu Ukrainy. Za red. V.K. Mamutova. Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2004. 441 p. [in Ukrainian].

  3. Vinnyk O.M. Hospodarske pravo: kurs lektsii. Kyiv: Atika, 2005. 624 p. [in Ukrainian].

  4. Belianevych O.A. Hospodarske dohovirne pravo Ukrainy (teoretychni aspekty). Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2006. 592 p. [in Ukrainian].

  5. Grudnickaja S.N. Hozjajstvennaja pravosubektnost’ gosudarstvennyh predprijatij: problemy teorii i praktiki. Doneck: Jugo-Vostok, LTD, 2011. 428 p. [in Russian].

  6. Saniahmetova N.A. Subjekty hozjajstvovanija. Obshhie polozhenija. V kn.: Hozjajstvennyj kodeks Ukrainy: kommentarij. Kharkiv: Odissej, 2004. 848 p. [in Ukrainian].

  7. Shcherbyna V.S. Subiekty hospodarskoho prava. Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2008. 264 p. [in Ukrainian].

  8. Bobkova A.G. Pravovoe obespechenie rekreacionnoj dejatel’nosti. Doneck: Jugo-Vostok, LTD, 2000. 308 p. [in Russian].

  9. Pravove zabezpechennia rozvytku ekolohichnoho pidpryiemnytstva ("zelenoi" ekonomiky). Za zah. red. A.H. Bobkovoi. Vinnytsia: Nilan LTD, 2018. 230 p. [in Ukrainian].

  10. Koval I.F. Hospodarsko-pravove rehuliuvannia vidnosyn u sferi promyslovoi vlasnosti. Donetsk: Iuho-Vostok, LTD, 2013. 639 p. [in Ukrainian].

  11. Kolohoida O.V. Hospodarsko-pravove rehuliuvannia fondovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini. Kyiv: Lira K, 2015. 704 p. [in Ukrainian].

  12. Podtserkovnyi O.P. Hroshovi zoboviazannia hospodarskoho kharakteru: problemy teorii i praktyky. Kyiv: Yustinian, 2006. 424 p. [in Ukrainian].

  13. Smitiukh A.V. Korporatyvni prava ta korporatyvni pai (chastky): teoretyko-pravovi aspekty. Odesa: Feniks, 2018. 662 p. [in Ukrainian].

  14. Trush I.V. Hospodarsko-pravove zabezpechennia diialnosti komunalnykh pidpryiemstv. Kyiv: Inter-servis, 2012. 400 p. [in Ukrainian].

  15. Ustymenko V.A. Gorodskaja sobstvennost’ i gorodskoe hozjajstvo. Donetsk: Jugo-Vostok, LTD, 2006. 352 p. [in Russian].

  16. Khrimli O.H. Zakhyst prav investoriv u sferi hospodariuvannia: teoretyko-pravovyi aspect. Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2016. 320 p. [in Ukrainian].

  17. Zeldina E.R. Special’nyj rezhim hozjajstvovanija: teoreticheskie voprosy i napravlenija modernizacii. Donetsk: Jugo-Vostok, LTD, 2007. 327 p. [in Russian].

  18. Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, amending and subsequently repealing Council Directive 96/82/EC. Official Journal. L 197. 24.7.2012. P. 1-37.

  19. Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents. Done at Helsinki, on 17 March 1992. United Nations. New York and Geneva, 1994. 44 p.


subjects of economic activity, high risk objects, subject composition of activity, regulatory criteria, high risk levels


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18. Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, amending and subsequently repealing Council Directive 96/82/EC. Official Journal. L 197. 24.7.2012. P. 1—37.

19. Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents. Done at Helsinki, on 17 March 1992. United Nations. New York and Geneva, 1994. 44 p.

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