Series "Law": Problems of Land, Environmental and Natural Resource Law


In the proposed article the author defines the system of guarantees of transfer of rights to citizens on land plots, as a multifactorial mechanism that provides timely, in the manner and time established by law, the transfer of rights to citizens on land plots and includes the normative fixing of rights, effective mechanisms for the implementation of fixed rights, responsibility for non-observance of citizens’ rights, quality of legislative equipment, presence of high level of legal culture and legal consciousness of participants of the transfer of rights to land plots, which ensures it is an opportunity for citizens to exercise the right enshrined in the law to become the owner of a land plot. The proposed division of guarantees of transfer of rights of citizens to land plots can be divided into: 1) substantive law (establishment of obligations of authorized subjects for the execution of prescriptions; responsibility for failure to ful fill obligations, failure to provide administrative services); 2) procedural and legal (clearly stated stages of transition; set deadlines for preparation of decisions, issuance of documents; approval of the form of documents or title documents; quantitative composition of land and legal documents, etc.). The author concluded that none of the components of the guarantee system alone could provide citizens with access to land resources, but only their totality. That is, the mere legal awareness of citizens about the forms and procedures of transferring rights to citizens on land plots will not provide such a transition, and a set of factors, such as the normative fixing of rights to land, the mechanism for exercising such rights, conscientious and conscientious actions of all participants in the process of transferring rights to citizens land will create the appropriate conditions. Also, having the whole system of substantive and procedural rules for obtaining the status of landowner will create only formal opportunities without informing citizens about their rights and responsible actions of authorized subjects.


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land, land plot, transfer of land rights, guarantees of land rights


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