Series "Economics": Economic and legal problems of sustainable development
The research based on analysis smart city-initiatives in framework of sustainable development from to key approaches — are these initiatives can be sustainable and are they can stimulate sustainable development. The paper argues that applying variety of smart approaches in the cities, towns, local communities etc. allow to achieve economic development, attract investors, and mobilize local communities and create new jobs. The main results of research are developed methodology of community analysis and designed template for competitive map of the city (community). In particular the methodology of community analysis is a basis for policies, plans and programs through specifying goals and steps to achieve them accompanied by the description of the resources that are needed and proposal about access to these resources. The competitive map of the city that developing on bases of mentioned methodology will allow to reveal explicit and implicit competitive advantages of the territory, to choose the most needed at this stage of smarttechnology, to develop an up-to-date strategy with specific (measurable and achievable) goals. Thereby using the concept of smart cities allows cities, regardless of their size, to achieve economic development, attract investors, and mobilize local people and create new jobs. The smart platform allows to share data between all participants and stakeholders, this improves efficiency and stimulate changes. Openness to new technologies and technical solutions, despite the fact that cities are inert so they use systems and infrastructure much longer than people or enterprises, they can and must destroy these stereotypes by introducing new most effective for them technologies. Security should be a priority — network and data security, social and environmental security, and a guarantee of transparency and legality for all — residents, entrepreneurs, investors, etc. This thesis simultaneously highlights the need for confidentiality and a responsible attitude to the data. Citizen engagement and active communication will make the development of the city manageable, effective and sustainable, since the realization of all goals of sustainable development is directed at people and people. In addition, educational activities and multilateral communications will accelerate the identification and resolution of the city’s problems and provide welfare for all segments of the population.
sustainable development, smart city, local community, planning, spatial development
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