Section "Economics": Economic and Legal Problems of City Development


The article notes that creating a decent living environment is first and foremost related to having a comfortable home. It is emphasized that providing quality housing to people of adequate quality has always been a challenge for most countries in the world, especially for developing countries. Attention is drawn to the fact that the objective parameters of living conditions in Ukraine, both in quantitative and qualitative characteristics, require revision, taking into account the current socio-economic changes in society. The necessity of defining criteria of quality of life of the population in the housing sphere that would allow the state authorities to introduce them into the state housing policy was emphasized. It is stated that the sustainable development of the housing sector is an objective prerequisite for the development of other spheres of life of the population and is closely interconnected and interdependent with them. The article notes that despite the implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, in which local governments have been given more financial opportunities, the problem of extremely low housing for citizens in need of better living conditions continues to be one of the most pressing economic and social problems in Ukraine. Attention is drawn to the fact that the lack of state funding for the purchase or construction of housing at the expense of the local (settlement, rural) budget is an undue burden on the budget. In addition, attention is drawn to the fact that there is no official information on the actual availability (amount) of social housing at the state level, and therefore an inventory is essential. It was also noted that by solving the problems of providing housing for the population of Ukraine in the complex, it is impossible to circumvent the issue of exercising the right to housing of this category of citizens as internally displaced persons. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop a new State housing program in the light of current changes in the socio-economic sphere, which will be aimed at improving the quality of life of the population.

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quality of life of the population, state housing policy, socio-economic sphere, social housing


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