Section "Economics": Economic and Legal Problems of Regional Development


The article presents the results of comparing the Luhansk Region Development Strategy and the State Strategy for Regional Development. The prerequisites for the formation of the Luhansk Region Development Strategy by 2027 and the main goals and objectives, the main strategic goals of the Luhansk Region Development include: economic growth of the region: competitiveness, smart specialization, favourable business environment; restoration of critical infrastructure of the region; effective human-centred management; security, national identity and a coherent information space. The draft National Strategy for Regional Development by 2027 has the following objectives: formation of a cohesive country in social, economic, environmental and spatial dimensions; increasing the level of regions competitiveness. The realization of this goal is aimed at all regions of Ukraine; an effective multi-level human-centred governance. It is proved that the Luhansk Region Development Strategy by 2027 in its goals and objectives in general meets the requirements of the State Strategy for Regional Development by 2027. However, it is established that the Luhansk Region Develop ment Strategy until 2027 does not contain the goals or objectives specific to the Luhansk region, which are prominent in the State Strategy for Regional Development: Restoration and reconstruction of the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions affected by the war in eastern Ukraine; Integration of displaced persons into territorial communities, at their place of residence; Access to public services of Ukrainian citizens residing in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine; Formation of Ukrainian civic (national) identity based on national social values through the development of a nation wide system of national patriotic education. It is revealed that the Luhansk Region Development Strategy by 2027 does not take into account the third objective (effective human-centred multilevel governance) of the State Strategy for Regional Development by 2027. It is determined that the State Strategy for Regional Development by 2027 does not contain the goals and objectives for solving environmental and environmental problems, energy efficiency and energy conservation. It is proved that both the Luhansk Region Development Strategy and the State Strategy for Regional Development by 2027 are needed.

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strategy, region, development, goals, objectives, activities


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