Section "Economics": Economic and legal problems of regional development
The article reflects the research results of the world experience in the fair transformation of coal regions on the example of Australia, Great Britain, Greece, Netherlands, Germany, France, Czech Republic and Poland. It has been revealed that the most successful countries on the way to implementing the concept of a just transformation were Germany, France, Czech Republic and Poland. Their representatives tried to create the necessary conditions for ensuring the balanced development of regions and communities that will be affected by the transformation process. To do this, they sent financial support to labor-intensive sectors of the economy, indicating the importance of alternative development vectors at all levels of government (national, regional, local). The features of transformational changes have been considered through the implementation of the program tools provisions in the above countries. In the implementation context of a fair transformation concept in the coal regions of Ukraine, the issue of planning the coal industry development have been researched in the current provisions of domestic regulatory legal acts. The main challenges facing our country in the context of the inevitable transformation of approaches to global problems of energy development have been analyzed, which made it possible to highlight the main problems of the functioning of the coal industry in Ukraine. One of the main environmental problems of our entire country has been determined by the unsatisfactory ecological state of the East territories of Ukraine (Donbass), which are now suffering from hostilities. The necessity of providing an integrated and sustainable approach to transformation processes in Ukraine, not only at the macroregional, but also at the national level, has been reasoned. It has been proven that for regions dependent on the coal industry, rapid transformation is almost impossible, but the key to gaining successful experience in this process should be taking into account the urgent needs of the local population on the basis of the social justice principle. It has been argued that the inaction of the Ukrainian state authorities will only delay the process of a fair coal regions transformation, which will lead to the conservation of existing socio-economic problems and slow down the further development of coal-dependent regions.
The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Office in Ukraine) supported this research.
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coal industry, region, fair transformation, transition, world experience, regulatory legal acts, monitoring
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