Section "Economics": Economic and legal problems of regional development


The article clarifies the substantive essence for the organizational and economic potential forming of the regional economy strategic development, identifies the strategic dominants of this process. It substantiates that the historically determined features of the administrative-territorial units’ formation in Ukraine characterize by a smaller number of institutions at the regional level of government, this is due to the lack of their institutional and organizational support to mitigate the already existing socio-economic imbalances. It determines that the development of innovative entrepreneurship is increasingly considered by foreign and domestic scientists as a formation factor for the competitive advantages of the regional economy in the strategic dimension. The importance of the innovative entrepreneurship development has been reviewed as a formation factor in the strategic competitive advantages of the regional economy for ensuring its organizational and economic potential. On this basis, the article has been considered the need to concentrate efforts on a set of property relations that form a competitive regional image, the used management forms and methods development, attracting new leading forces of a new (innovative) thinking format as well as improving the quality of human capital at the regional level. The theoretical foundations of the innovative entrepreneurship development in the regional economy system made it possible to build a conceptual model for the organizational and economic potential formation of the strategic regional economy development. The attention focuses on the strategic components of the presented model as the foundation for the regional economy development in the strategic dimension in the context of enhancing innovative entrepreneurship. It has been proved that the organizational and economic potential for the regional economy development is directly dependent on the implementation of the human development concept, therefore, it is advisable to integrate its elements into the strategic management system of the meso-level territories.


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region, regional economy, strategic development, organizational and economic potential, innovative entrepreneurship, formation, competitive advantages


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