Section "Economics": Economic and Legal Problems of City Development
The purpose of the article is to systematize the experience of European cities in creating public spaces capable of overcoming social exclusion and ensuring sustainable urban development. The scientific novelty is to substantiate the conceptual approach to the management of the process of creating public spaces in cities in the context of achieving sustainable urban development by overcoming social exclusion. The results of the research show that the creation of public spaces requires attention to the factors influencing the possibilities of overcoming social exclusion (economic, social, institutional). The analysis of the experience of five European cities (Varna, Bulgaria; Viterbo, Italy; Getxo, Spain; Copenhagen, Denmark; Malmo, Sweden) allowed highlighting the features and current trends in the creation of public space in cities. The main provisions of the approach to the management of public spaces in cities by identifying and systematizing: 1) the functions of public spaces: communication, recreational, political, territorial identification, integrating and aesthetic; 2) features of public spaces: openness and accessibility (convenience and ability to use the space for all regardless of age, race, health, affluence, etc.), safety and comfort (physical and psychological comfort, a sense of security in a comfortable and attractive space to use), interaction (the ability to establish contacts and cooperation in heterogeneous groups of users of the space); 3) forms (transformation of existing built-up areas, development of new territories) and tools (organizational and managerial, technical and technological, financial and economic) for creating public spaces. As a result, the study provided an opportunity to develop a mechanism for creating public spaces in the city. Successful implementation of the experience of European cities in Ukraine requires studying the needs of residents and guests of the city, researching existing analogues, identifying the potential of the city to create a public space of a certain type, taking into account risks, understanding the purpose of public space and determining the reasonable cost of projects.
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urban development, management, sustainable development, public space, social exclusion
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