Section "Economics": Economic and Legal Problems of Sustainable Development
The article reveals the peculiarities of the Marshall Plan or the European Recovery Program after World War II. In particular, three phases of the Marshall Plan are described (the first one began two years after the end of World War II and was characterized by the threatening situation in Europe; the second phase began when the process of European economic recovery approached the pre-war 1938 level and was characterized by concerns about the sustainability of these achievements, their maintenance, and improvement; the third phase began with the war on the Korean Peninsula and was marked by a gradual change in the Marshall Plan's course towards international security and defense). The propaganda aspect of the Marshall Plan and the process of its development are outlined. The article analyzes the prerequisites for the success of the Marshall Plan, which include the following: personnel and selection policy; organizational structure of the ECA; institutional prerequisites; psychological aspect; attention to detail: approach to foreign policy making, decisionmaking process, problem-solving method; management style. The article emphasizes that the idea that economics, politics, and psychology are inseparable in the process of creating support and rebuilding other countries was an important feature and basis for the development and implementation of the Marshall Plan. The author identifies the unique features of the Ukrainian context to be taken into account in the process of developing a “Marshall Plan for Ukraine” for its recovery after the Russian-Ukrainian war, in particular, the geopolitical aspect and the importance of geopolitical support from Ukraine's partners, as well as the need to restructure the Ukrainian economy in a modern way. The article argues that the lessons of the Marshall Plan for Western Europe can and should be used in the development of the “Marshall Plan for Ukraine”. The situation with the creation of an analog of the Marshall Plan for Ukraine will have its own unique specifics, as the recipient of assistance will be one country, and the circle of donors will be wider. Mutually beneficial partnership and respect between the recipient and donors, as well as the optimal organizational and management structure of the organization that will be involved in the reconstruction of Ukraine, are important.
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foreign aid, post-war recovery, Marshall Plan, economic assistance, recovery program
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