The purpose of the article is an analysis of the provisions of the Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures (hereinafter referred to as the CUoBP), the opinions of scientists, law enforcement practice on the legal status of the debtor, identification of its features in the rehabilitation procedure and identification of differences from the legal status of other economic entities in the general operating conditions. To successfully achieve the paper's purpose, well-known scientific research methods were used. They were used to achieve important results. Results. The analysis of some provisions of the UoBP, the opinions of some scientists, and law enforcement practice on the legal regime of the debtor's economic activity allowed for determining the main elements of its legal status in the rehabilitation procedure. They have their features and are limited by the time (carrying out the rehabilitation procedure), the national legislative act (CUoBP), the local act (the rehabilitation plan), the actions and will of the rehabilitation manager, and the judge of the economic court. However, the adoption of the CUoBP transferred the debtor from the status of economic entity not only to the status of an economic entity (commercial or non-commercial) but also to the status of an economic law entity, which includes entities that are not economic entities. The features of the legal status of the debtor in the rehabilitation procedure that distinguish it from the legal status of other economic entities have been revealed: the purpose and the tasks are to repay the debt owed to creditors and restore solvency; the debtor can be formed by a economic entity, a non-commercial economic entity, an economic entity or a civil law entity, without being an economic entity; in the rehabilitation procedure, the debtor can be reorganized into a subject in another organizational and legal form; in the rehabilitation procedure, the debtor is managed by an arbitration manager who owns, uses and disposes of the debtor's property on the right of economic management; in the rehabilitation procedure, the debtor can carry out any type of economic activity that is not prohibited by law and is specified in its statutory documents; the rights the debtor in the rehabilitation procedure are significantly limited by the rehabilitation plan, which defines the boundaries of rights and the list of obligations, new ights and obligations of the debtor may arise on the basis of contracts concluded on behalf of the debtor by the arbitration manager; there may be less grounds for contractual liability due to a much smaller number of business contracts that the debtor may conclude due to the restriction of its activities by the provisions of the rehabilitation plan; in the rehabilitation procedure, the debtor cannot be liquidated at the request of its founders, since bankruptcy proceedings have already been opened against it and liquidation can be carried out within the framework and according to the rules of the liquidation procedure.
Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures, solvency, debtor, creditor, arbitration manager, rehabilitation, integral property complex, economic entity, legal status, legal regime of property
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