Series "Economy": Economic and legal problems of regional development


The author’s interpretation of the essence of space and economy of the regional space is given in the article. The regional economic space is treated as the aggregate of industrial relations of the population in the system of constraints on physical parameters (time, air, water, land, mineral resources) — extra-territorial, which interacts with objects of natural and material culture for conducting economic activity on the principles of organization and manageability. The purpose of the article is to determine the ways of influencing the economy of the united territorial communities (UTC) for the new configuration of the regional space: activation of the local economic space and the local market of goods and services, institutional provision of economic development of communities, integration of communities and actors of local markets, public administration and administration of local and regional economic development. Based on the estimation of the financial capacity of the UTC of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast in 2017, it was concluded that there is a direct correlation between the indicators of population size and its financial capacity, since the aggregate economic potential of a community with a population of more than 5 thousand people is more powerful. It has been proved that in larger communities the higher development of human potential, greater opportunities for local economic development through the involvement of households, family businesses, cooperatives, private firms for business organization, a more powerful demand for products and services of the local market is formed, that is, the effect of the scale of production, which means that prerequisites are created for providing better administrative, public, communal, management services. Proposed to the main ways of realizing the modern mission of UTC include: the activation of local economic space and lo cal market; institutional provision of economic development of UTC; Integration mechanisms of community interaction, which can be implemented in different ways; public management of local and regional development. The use of factual data of economic activity of communities by these methods of action leads to a qualitative modification of the economy of the regional space. The next stage of research will be the definition of the characteristics of the transformed regional economic space, the study of the laws of its development under the influence of the emerging economics of UTC.


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