Series "Economy": Economic and legal issues of sustainable development


The paper affirms that the development of modern management is based on the aspiring of long-term balance between all components and efficient use of resources. At present, it is impossible to build continuous success without entrepreneurship that includes design of new ideas within the organization. The author underline that the goals of sustainable development in Ukraine create a new system of mutually agreed management measures for economic, social and environmental (environmental protection) spheres focused on building public relations on the basis of trust, solidarity, equality of generations, and a secure environment. The basis of sustainable development is the inalienable human right to life and full development. Researcher states that the enterprises (organizations) are developing under the influence of direct and indirect incentives that consonant to ideas of sustainability as a parity of economic, and also under the pressure of legal requirements. The author insist that increasing labor mobility, facilitating access to information and increasing its distribution opportunities, while reducing the ability to control information flows (in particular, consumer and employee feedback), reducing the cost of shipping many goods and other factors that make consumers and workers less dependent on a particular manufacturer (employer), forcing enterprises to rethink management and makes it more sensitive to changing the outlook of society. The author conclude that there is no correct answers to the question of which management theory is correct and how to properly manage an enterprise (e.g. the value proposition of the employer and the common economy can be effective in different industries, but may include one another). At the same time, the key idea for success can be formulated in the spirit of the concept of sustainable development - a harmonious combination of economic, social and environmental components of development that does not exhaust natural and human resources and, therefore, will be able to last a long time.


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management, sustainable development, lean management, gig-economics, employee value proposition


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6. Waddock S., McIntosh M. SEE change: Making the transition to a sustainable enterprise economy. London: Routledge, 2017. 202 p. doi:

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