Economic and legal problems of regional development


The article substantiates the need for identification and positioning of the amalgamated territorial communities of Ukraine. It is determined that the identification of amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) is a procedure for establishing the similarity / differences of ATCs using certain criteria and relevant characteristics, the combination of which reflects its uniqueness against the background of other amalgamated territorial communities. Positioning of amalgamated territorial communities is the existing or desired perception by society (stakeholders) of the benefits of ATCs, which can be achieved by the results of the implementation of the ATC development strategy and with the help of brand and / or identity. The structural-logical schema base for the development of methodological tools for the identification and positioning of the amalgamated territorial communities of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions has been developed. A list of complementary analytical procedures necessary for the development of methodological tools, which includes: guidelines for the identification of the amalgamated territorial communities of Ukraine; positioning maps of amalgamated territorial communities of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions; guidelines for the positioning of the amalgamated territorial communities of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. When developing guidelines for the identification of the amalgamated territorial communities of Ukraine, it is proposed to use the maxmin principle to define criteria and characteristics. To build a positioning map of the amalgamated territorial communities in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions it is proposed to use a three-dimensional coordinate system.


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identification, positioning, amalgamated territorial communities, methodological tools


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