Series "Law": Legal regulation of economic relations in specific areas and sectors of the economic


The realization of bankruptcy property in a liquidation proceeding in a bankruptcy case is the "culmination" of the whole case, since it is at this stage that the property of the bankrupt withdraws from its ownership, and the creditors will finally be able to obtain real satisfaction of their claims. The realization of property in the bankruptcy procedure raises many issues, which is conditioned, on the one hand, by the complexity and simultaneously imperfection of bankruptcy laws, and, on the other hand, by the attempts of certain persons (creditors, bankrupt, bankrupt parties, etc.) to challenge the results of the auction for the sale of property, even if for some reason, thus calling into question the lawfulness of acquiring the property by the buyer at the auction. The purpose of the article is to study the problem issues that arise during the realization of bankrupt property in a liquidation procedure. The article is devoted to problem issues that arise during the realization of bankruptcy property in a liquidation procedure. The issues of withdrawal by the economic court of arrests from the property of the bankrupt, imposed within the framework of criminal proceedings, are being investigated. The judicial practice on contesting the results of the auction the bankruptcy case is analyzed. It has been emphasized that in the bankruptcy procedure, bankrupt parties do not even play a secondary role. In this regard, the question remains as to the extent to which a bankrupt party participant in a bankruptcy case is entitled. If he is given the right to challenge all court decisions taken in the bankruptcy case, this will lead to the consideration of such a case for years and will not contribute to the timely consideration of the bankruptcy case. It is emphasized that the court should not blindly apply the rules of legislation and in any case cancel a court decision in the case of a violation that does not directly concern the complainant. It has been established that neither the current version of the Law of Ukraine "On restoring solvency of a debtor or recognizing it as a bankrupt", nor new Code of Ukraine on bankruptcy procedures, unfortunately, don’t resolve all the problems that arise during the most vulnerable stage of proceedings in bankruptcy proceedings — under the time of sale of bankrupt’s property in a liquidation proceeding. The practice of applying the relevant norms shows their inability to adequately regulate the issue of selling the debtor’s property, which, of course, cannot contribute to improving the investment climate in the country.

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bankruptcy, bankrupt, sale of bankrupt’s property, auction, arrest of bankrupt’s property


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